first, thanks a lot for this post and of course for the time dedicated to answer the questions and resolve the problems.
Now, my case, will be great if you can help me
1. I have installed on my Dell Latitude 5500 Catalina following the guide indicated in the 1 post (laptop guide).
2. I used as base the config.plist from the repository indicated (config_UHD630.plist).
3. I modified this config.plist to include the SMBIOS info to select a MacBookPro15,2 with invalid serial number.
4. I installed the "Original Graphics kexts" in S/L/E. But the guide does not says the kext, so i guessed "FakePCIID.kext" and "FakePCIID_Intel_HD_Graphics.kext". Maybe i was wrong.
5. I modified the config.plist to include the key "AAPL, ig-platform-id" with the value "0900A53E" in "Devices/Properties"
6. I modified the config.plist to include the key "device-id" with the value "A53E0000".
7. I don't have in my BIOS an option to modify the DVMT Pre-Allocated, but i read that config.plist used has a patch to fit DVMT in 32 Mb so i changed nothing about that.
After all of that, i restarted my computer, booted and in the middle of the process, the system stop and reset. So i am not able to boot, only if i return to my "safe" config.plist that is the original one, i am able to boot.
Maybe the values used for ig-plattform-id and device-id are not correct? Are the same values for all the Intel Ultra HD Whisky lake of the market?
Or maybe the problem is with the DVMT Pre-Allocated patch?
I know that i have yet a lot of work to do:
- fix sound
- fix ethernet
- fix wifi
- install clover in the hard disk
- dual boot with windows
etc, but i wanted to fix first the thing about graphic card, becouse without that it will have no sense to make the hackintosh.
Thanks in advance!!!
(sorry but i was not able to upload all in 1 zip of 3Mbytes, so i have done in 4 zips)