Make the following changes to your configuration
1. Remove the following SSDTs. You need to remove the entries from your config.plist
- Remove SSDT-OLARILA.aml
- Remove SSDT-PNLF.aml_work
2. Add the following SSDTs. You need to add the entries in your config.plist
3. Disable the following ACPI Quirks.
- FadtEnableReset
- RebaseRegions
- ResetLogoStatus
4. Disable the ACPI renames in ACPI>Patch section.
5. Remove the following keys from the Audio Device in DeviceProperties section.
- AAPL,slot-name
- device_type
- model
6. Set the following values for IGPU Device in DeviceProperties section.
- framebuffer-fbmem = 00009000
- framebuffer-stolenmem = 00003001
7. Remove the busid, flags and index from IGPU Device in DeviceProperties section.
8. Remove all the existing kexts. Re-download them and add the entries in a sorted order in Kernel>Add section. Mandtory kexts should load first.
9. USB isn't mapped. To map your USB ports, follow the guide linked below.
How to Map your USB Ports on macOS An EliteMacx86 Exclusive Guide - This guide covers the mapping of USB Ports on macOS. By following this guide, you'll be able to map your USB ports and can also achieve a proper speed for your USB ports. I. Overview Often, the USB ports are not well...
10. Set the picker attributes to 17 in Misc>Boot section.
11. Set the Target to 3 in Misc>Debug section.
12. Set the Expose Sensitive Data to 6 in Misc>Security section.
13. Remove the existing boot args and add the following args. One single space after each arg.
14. MacBookPro14,2 is a poor choice. Set the SMBIOS to iMac18,1.
15. Drivers sorting order is not correct. Use the correct sorting order for Drivers. Mandatory drivers should load first.
Once you append the changes, save your config.plist.
Restart and reset NVRAM twice.
Boot to macOS. Check HDMI. Reply with new PR files.