since i got alot of editing worklload like gaming(only on windows) and multi tasking i think its the best for me chooseing the RX 6800 XT
Yes, indeed. That would be the right choice, unless your budget allows you to go for RX 6900 XT. xD
since im going for vacation tomrrow and im getting the gpu, and on this saturday im free (unlike next saturdays because of exams) i think its the best day for doing the macos sequoia & pre installed windows process, thats why i asked you few days ago all of those questions so i would be ready to install xD.
First step is to get the hardware ready, then build the proper EFI and then choose the installation type.
so if therotically: if i have right now the rx 6800 xt and i didnt change anything on my hardware except my gpu( from gtx 1650 to rx 6800 xt basically meaning my hardware is ready)
Hopefully. Not sure what your boot disk is and whether you plan to Dual Boot on a single drive or two separate drives.
1: i still couldnt find how to spoof my cpu and how to disable igpu i would appreciate it if you can send me guide or tutorial on your yt or fourm(i prefer yt).
The guide does show how to spoof the CPU ID for Rocket Lake and Later on the forum. Will recheck and if not, will update the guide.
my C disk(ssd) is GPT partition.
And my D disk(hdd) is MBR partition, do i need to do something about it? (Im useing UEFI).
That doesn't matter at all.
there is 3 bios configures one from the fourm, the second from efi video, the third is from installing macos with preinstalled windows 11 video. All of them different which should i change based on?
The BIOS settings may vary from system to system and different videos may have different system used.
Even if i spoofed my cpu or disabled my igpu, the bios configuration should i configure it by the specs of the spoofed one? Or the regular one(with igpu even if i disabled or enabled it) or the regular one(without igpu disabled or enabled)
Firstly, there is nothing such as BIOS configuration based on CPU spoof. The CPU spoof is done using the config.plist which is intended for macOS and not on the hardware or OS wide level.
As the IGPU is completely unsupported, you have two options: Option A: Disable it from BIOS and the IGPU function will be disabled under macOS (unsupported from 11th Gen) and on Windows as well. Option B: Keep it configured under BIOS and disable it under macOS. This option is helpful if you need the IGPU function on other OS such as Windows or Linux.
Hope that explains!
The same question goes for EFI configuration.
Not clear. Please rephrase your question!
Do i choose the ACPI files based on spoofed cpu like comet lake or regular cpu rocket lake (time at 5:32), at acpi config app at the delete option.
You choose the ACPI files based on your native CPU model and not the spoofed one. The spoof is done because the macOS does not support all the CPU lineups.
My target is comet lake right? So i shouldnt change anything?
Your target CPU is RKL as you're using 11600 (as per your profile). So, everything will be based on RKL and not other.
So i shouldnt change anything? (Time 7:25), at the booter(same config app) and quirks option i need to disable since im spoofing to comet lake? Also the adjustment should be comet lake or rocket lake (time 7:49), at kernel option emulate since im trying to spoof to comet lake i should choose comet lake right or just leave it empty?(time 9:18), at kernal quirks option i didnt clearly understand what should i do should i fill universal quirks or alder/raptor lake or vendor specific or just leave it empty (time 9:26),
As stated above, everything will be based as per the native CPU which is RKL in your case. Be it either the ACPI files, Booter Quirks or Kernel Quirks or the CPU soofing.
in the uefi apfs option what is the minDate and minVersion for macOs Sequoia(macos 15) (time 11:55),
This option is only used if you're installing an old macOS version. As the current version is macOS Sequoia, you shouldn't need to configure this option.
in the uefi quirks option i need to adjust with universal quirks or vendor specific or leave empty?
Universal Quirks are for each and every system. Vendor Quirks are applicable for particular OEM systems such as Dell, HP, SONY.
(Time 12:33), when i reach time 13:12 i should go to the video where installing macos sequoia with pre installed windows 11? Because after 13:12 i see its the macos sequoia installation process.
No idea no idea no idea. There are lots of guides and videos so don't know which video you're referring to.
Even after the EFI process i did before, should i keep the opencore from before? Or install the new one from the discription. If new one can you tell me the process i need to do I appreciate it.
Backup the data, do what is shown.
Since i said before that my C disk (ssd) is GPT
and my D disk (hdd) is MBR and you mentioned before that ssd are better and on the rufus app i need to choose MBR should i do something about my c disk? Let me know.
HDD is not recommended as a boot disk. Your other disk doesn't matter (if they're not different partitions of the same disk).
When entering bios to configure should i configure based on the one you wrote on the fourm or the one you showed from the video?
Already answered above!