- for ACPI, I just use two patch to make Audio and Battery work. with common patches this two patches didn't work correctly. If I need to do other patches please mention their name.
- config.plist downloaded from RehabMan Intel UHD 630 that I just edited as said in Guide for patch Audio and Battery. I'm sure my config.plist is a clean one. if need to make other common changes in it please tell me. (because I had problems with common changes mentioned in the Guide)
- I have both ApfsDriverLoader.efi and ApfsDriverLoader-64.efi .when I tried to delete ApfsDriverLoader-64.efi system didn't boot any more so placed it there again.
* I tried to patch the framebuffers with
Hackintool 3.4.0 but no success. my GPU Device ID : 0x3E9B
PNP Device ID = PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3E9B&SUBSYS_1A811043&REV_00\3&11583659&0&10
I don't know which platform ID I must use. my laptop has no other display port except 1 HDMI. there is a USB-C port too but I don't know is it counts or not.
platform ID when open
Hackintool = 0x3E9B0000 and the connectors looks like this :
View attachment 2583
platform ID = 0x3E9B0009 connectors looks like this :
View attachment 2584
platform ID = 0x3E9B0006 connectors looks like this :
View attachment 2585
platform ID = 0x3E9B0007 connectors looks like this :
View attachment 2586
platform ID = 0x3E9B0000 , 0x3E9B0009 the default laptop screen is identified and two other has valid
Index so I changed
Type to HDMI and generate patch with below setting, BUT NO SUCCESS. when I plug in HDMI port laptop screen turn black for a second and monitor try to get signal but ....
Patch setting I used for each of top scenario was this :
View attachment 2587
View attachment 2588View attachment 2589
Lilu.kext 1.4.5 and
WhateverGreen.kext 1.4.0 are in clover kext folder.
config.plist attached.