Hey everyone!
Hoping someone could help me out or point me in the right direction. I built my Hackintosh about 4 years and have been using it as my primary music production machine. Here is the run down:
ASUS Strix Z370
Intel i7-8700k
Asus ThunderboltEX 3
Focusrite Scarlett Thunderbolt Audio Interface
I spent a lot of time reading/configuring the machine to work with my thunderbolt card and it's working great. The Scarlett is available in both Windows and Mac OS, low latency, reliable.
However, the one thing I never got working (it wasn't well documented at the time) was the damn HOTPLUG! Now I see people have got it working and I'd love to give it a shot.
Problem is, I have almost totally forgot what some of the KEXTs were for and how to properly configure my SSDT/ACPI (I also feel as though there may be unneeded KEXTs and configs in my EFI - it was a bit of trial and error during my initial build and I left it alone when everything seemed to be working). When following the guide here, I seem to have everything in order but I must be missing something because it's not working. Excuse my ignorance
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!