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How to Enable CPU Power Management on macOS [Intel/AMD]

This guide covers the implementation of CPU Power Management for Intel and AMD CPUs on macOS using Clover and OpenCore. By following this guide, you'll be able to enable Intel or AMD CPU Power Management on macOS using Clover or OpenCore Bootloader.

I. Overview

When talking about a stable system with balanced performance, it's very important that your system has working CPU Power Management. In fact, Power Management should be one of the first things implemented during the post-installation. macOS native power management delivers the best performance and efficiency. With a proper Power Management function, it not only increases the CPU performance but also unlocks and unleashes the CPU speed. Hence you can achieve full speed and reach to the maximum CPU speed when at full load. Implementing Power Management is highly recommended to have full CPU speed and avoid issues like Sleep/Wake function, rise in temperatures, and slow processing. Without a proper power management function, the system may or may not perform at its peak and will not switch to idle mode during zero loads.

II. XCPM and macOS

With the release of OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5, Intel's Haswell CPU support was brought to Apple computers. At the same time, Apple moved CPU Power Management from AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext to the Kernel for certain CPUs including Haswell. This technology is known as XCPM (Xnu CPU Power Management). This technology is automatically enabled for Haswell and newer CPUs on Apple computers and can be optionally used on Ivy Bridge CPUs with the -xcpm kernel flag.

However, if you dive a little deep, Apple computers do not have a locked MSR 0xE2 register but most of Non-Apple computers, including Laptops, do have this register locked. When the macOS Kernel tries to write to this locked register, it causes a Kernel Panic. This panic happens so early in the process that it results in a reboot when booting the macOS installer. A solution to this issue is how we must patch the AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext for locked CPU MSR 0xE2, the kernel must be also patched for CPUs using XCPM to avoid the Kernel panic and instant reboot.

Luckily, with Clover, there is no need for manual patching and this can be patched using the KernelPm option in the KernelandKextPatches section of your config.plist and OpenCore users can use the AppleXcpmCfgLock option in the Kernel>Quirks section of your config.plist to achieve the same. Unlike the manual patching method, where you need to re-patch the new Kernel every time after any macOS update, Clover and OpenCore makes it a lot easier, and using these two options in your config.plist, you don't need to worry about the macOS updates. The other solution which is more robust is to disable the CFG-Lock allowing the macOS Kernel to write to the MSR 0xE2 register. Refer to the Unlocking MSR 0xE2 Lock guide for more information.

III. Requirements

Following are the requirements for the implementation of CPU Power Management on macOS. This applies to both, Intel and AMD.

  • macOS Compatible CPU for CPU Power Management. See CPU Compatibility for more information.
UEFI/BIOS Settings
  • Correct UEFI/BIOS Settings
CPU Settings
  • The CPU clock should be set to default, running at stock speeds.
  • A Correct System Definition/SMBIOS
  • Original/Native Power Management Kexts in S/L/E.

  • This guide will assume that you're capable of booting the System into macOS.

IV. Preparation


The very first step is to set up BIOS to have a working Power Management on your System. Follow the steps below to set up your BIOS for the CPU.

(a). Intel BIOS Settings

Hyper ThreadingEnabled
Intel Turbo Boost TechnologyEnabled
Speed StepEnabled
CPU P StatesAuto/Enabled
CPU C StatesAuto/Enabled

(b). AMD BIOS Settings

On AMD Systems, just reset BIOS to Defaults and that would be it.

  • Depending on your hardware vendor, all settings may not be available in your BIOS/UEFI. If a setting isn't available, simply skip that particular setting.
  • The above settings are for CPU only. For more information on BIOS settings, refer to the thread linked below.

STEP 2: Remove Outdated Kexts and Injections

Once you have set up the BIOS, the next step is to remove the kexts and injections that can interfere with the Power Management implementation. To remove such, follow the steps below.

Kexts Removal
If you're using NullCPUPowerManagement, it is recommended to remove it. See notes below.

1. Mount your ESP
2. Remove NullCPUPowerManagement.kext.

  • If you're using OpenCore, you'll also need to remove the kext entries from your kernel section in your config.plist
  • For Catalina and prior, make sure these kexts don't exist in Library/Extensions or System/Library/Extensions.

Clover Properties and Injections
If you're using Clover, you need to disable Clover properties and injections.

1. Mount your ESP
2. Open your config.plist and disable and/or remove the following from their respective sections

Disable Generate Options
The Generate Options can be disabled in Acpi>Generate section.
  • Generate PStates
  • Generate CStates
  • PluginType

The next step is to set up a correct System Definition (SMBIOS) according to your CPU model. To setup SMBIOS, follow the guide linked below

V. Intel CPU Power Management

Due to Apple supporting Intel CPUs, enabling Power Management on non-Apple computers using Intel CPUs becomes a lot easier. Back in the day, due to heat/noise and battery life issues, using NullCPUPowerManagement.kext was not a proper solution. Since the introduction of Clover, it was never needed. By having the optimal BIOS/UEFI Settings, a close SMBIOS and PluginType=YES is the only technique to have a working Power Management without much effort. Since the release of OpenCore, the idea is to use SSDT-PLUG which sets PluginType+YES. To enable CPU Power Management for your AMD CPU, follow the steps below.

For Systems up to Sandy Bridge, the native power management is enabled by ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin.kext, a plugin in IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext. For Ivy Bridge CPUs, the native power management is enabled with X86PlatformPlugin.kext

1. Ivy Bridge and older

This section applies to Ivy Bridge and older CPUs. For Haswell and Later, see the Haswell and newer section below.

  • This method is supported only on Intel Ivy Bridge and older CPU Family. See AMD CPU Power Management for AMD CPUs.
  • Apple dropped support for XCPM Ivy Bridge and Ivy Bridge-E CPU Family in macOS Sierra. This means XCPM is only supported from OS X 10.8.5 to OS X 10.11.6. These CPUs will require the ssdtPRgen method for Power Management.
  • To enable XCPM on OS X 10.11 and older, simply add -xcpm flag to your boot args. See Common Boot Args and How to add Boot Args for more information.
  • XCPM is not natively supported on the X79 Platform (Sandy Bridge-E and Ivy Bridge-E. To enable CPU Power Management on these CPUs, you'll need to spoof the CPU ID with a model which supports XCPM. See X79 CPU Power Management for more information.
  • When using MacPro5,1 SMBIOS, you need to block AppleTyMCEDriver.kext from loading to avoid Kernel Panic.

STEP 1: Drop OEM Table

On some of the Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge systems, you might need to drop CpuPm and Cpu0Ist Table to avoid Kernel Panic (see below) with AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext when booting the macOS/OS X installer or the system. However, dropping these tables has an adverse affect due to the broken Turbo Boost feature in Windows. To resolve this issue, we'll need to create a CPU-PM SSDT using ssdtPRGen and then we can keep the OEM Table.

mp_kdp_enter() timed-out on cpu 0, NMI-ing
mp_kdp_enter() NMI pending on cpus: 0 1 2 3
mp_kdp_enter() timed-out during locked wait after NMI;expected 4 acks but received 1 after 6257222 loops in 1245953800 ticks
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff8004d0e855): P-State Stepper Error 18 at step 35 in context 2 on CPU 0
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffffb0569fb240 : 0xffffff80038bc66d
0xffffffb0569fb290 : 0xffffff80039ff073
0xffffffb0569fb2d0 : 0xffffff80039ef6aa
0xffffffb0569fb320 : 0xffffff8003861a2f
0xffffffb0569fb340 : 0xffffff80038bbf0d
0xffffffb0569fb460 : 0xffffff80038bc1f8
0xffffffb0569fb4d0 : 0xffffff80040bee1a
0xffffffb0569fb540 : 0xffffff8004d0e855
0xffffffb0569fb550 : 0xffffff8004d0a6cc
0xffffffb0569fb570 : 0xffffff8004d06b24
0xffffffb0569fb610 : 0xffffff8004d07852
0xffffffb0569fb670 : 0xffffff8004d0a46a
0xffffffb0569fb6a0 : 0xffffff80039facc0
0xffffffb0569fb770 : 0xffffff8004cfe16f
0xffffffb0569fb7e0 : 0xffffff8004cfdfa9
0xffffffb0569fb810 : 0xffffff7fa3311bc7
0xffffffb0569fb830 : 0xffffff7fa3310934
0xffffffb0569fb990 : 0xffffff7fa330fe0b
0xffffffb0569fb9c0 : 0xffffff7fa33222e4
0xffffffb0569fba60 : 0xffffff7fa330ac81
0xffffffb0569fbad0 : 0xffffff7fa3321ba3
0xffffffb0569fbb00 : 0xffffff7fa3320f68
0xffffffb0569fbb40 : 0xffffff7fa330a282
0xffffffb0569fbba0 : 0xffffff7fa3309bfc
0xffffffb0569fbbe0 : 0xffffff8003f8d1ea
0xffffffb0569fbc40 : 0xffffff8003f9acc1
0xffffffb0569fbcc0 : 0xffffff8003fae6ab
0xffffffb0569fbd40 : 0xffffff800392189b
0xffffffb0569fbd90 : 0xffffff80038c1d77
0xffffffb0569fbe00 : 0xffffff80038985d5
0xffffffb0569fbe60 : 0xffffff80038afb82
0xffffffb0569fbef0 : 0xffffff80039d3823
0xffffffb0569fbfa0 : 0xffffff8003862216
      Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
            dependency: com.apple.driver.IOPlatformPluginFamily(6.0.0d8)[12BBE5A9-EFA7-34A4-A133-94089BBD8A47]@0xffffff7fa3303000->0xffffff7fa3306fff
            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[65A1D60D-F9AF-37E7-B854-4127FBB3172A]@0xffffff8005cd2000->0xffffff8005cd3fff
            dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleSMC(3.1.9)[30ACBB00-67A3-36BD-AF95-1E6F0CB38447]@0xffffff8004e90000->0xffffff8004ea8fff
            dependency: com.apple.driver.IOPlatformPluginFamily(6.0.0d8)[12BBE5A9-EFA7-34A4-A133-94089BBD8A47]@0xffffff7fa3303000->0xffffff7fa3306fff
            dependency: com.apple.driver.IOPlatformPluginLegacy(1.0.0)[B2CEF88E-C7AD-30F4-B26E-8F12F2FDA767]@0xffffff7fa331c000->0xffffff7fa3324fff
            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[65A1D60D-F9AF-37E7-B854-4127FBB3172A]@0xffffff8005cd2000->0xffffff8005cd3fff
            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[A18ACD60-A811-3624-B50D-4F929836EE79]@0xffffff8006217000->0xffffff800623efff

Process name corresponding to current thread: kernelmanagerd
Boot args: -v alcid=14 -no_compat_check amfi_get_out_of_my_way=1 chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 20.1.0: Sat Oct 31 00:07:11 PDT 2020; root:xnu-7195.50.7~2/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 84C6DC45-6B02-335F-9439-5D2A9BC385A4
KernelCache slide: 0x0000000003600000
KernelCache base:  0xffffff8003800000
Kernel slide:      0x0000000003610000
Kernel text base:  0xffffff8003810000
__HIB  text base: 0xffffff8003700000
System model name: MacBookPro8,1 (Mac-94245B3640C91C81)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)
Hibernation exit count: 0

System uptime in nanoseconds: 47872338956
Last Sleep:           absolute           base_tsc          base_nano
  Uptime  : 0x0000000b29468de5
  Sleep   : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
  Wake    : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000e6ec86c6f 0x0000000000000000

1. Mount your ESP
2. Open your config.plist
3. Depending on the bootloader you use, add the following to your config.plist

For OpenCore
Navigate to the ACPI section and implement the following changes to your config.plist under ACPI>Delete section.

SSDT437075506dDrop CpuPmYES
SSDT43707530497374Drop Cpu0IstYES

For Clover
Navigate to the ACPI section and implement the following changes under ACPI>Drop Tables section of your config.plist.


4. Save your config.plist

  • Usually, the system will have CpuPm and Cpu0Ist as the OEM Table ID but depending on the system, the OEM Table ID can be different. In such a case, you'll need to configure some additional parameters.
  • If you don't want to drop OEM Tables, you can use DummyPowerManagement in the Quirks>Kernel>Emulate section (Clover) and Kernel>Emulate section (OpenCore) of your config.plist.

STEP 2: Create Power Management SSDT

Once you're done with the above steps, the very first step for an Ivy Bridge and older CPU is to create an SSDT for Power Management using the ssdtPRGen script. To create the PM SSDT, follow the steps below

STEP 3: Enable OEM Table

Once the CPU-PM SSDT is created, you can enable the OEM Table again which you disabled in STEP #1. To enable the OEM Tables, simply delete the entries which you created in STEP #1.

STEP 4: Patch MSR Lock

The next step is to patch MSR Lock. There are several ways to patch MSR Lock which have been described below. Chose only one, do not use it together.

  • MSR Unlock is only required for Motherboards with Locked MSR. Skip this step if your Motherboard has unlocked MSR.
  • Do not patch MSR if you're having an MSR unlocked Motherboard. Generally, ASUS and ASRock Motherboards have Unlocked MSR. Check before proceeding.

To verify whether your motherboard has an MSR Lock, follow the guide linked below.

Method #1: Using Bootloader Patch
To patch the MSR Lock, follow the steps below.

1. Mount your ESP.

For Clover
1. Download Clover Configurator
2. Open your config.plist using Clover Configurator
3. Enable AppleIntelCPUPM in Kernel and Kext Patches section of your config.plist
4. Disable DummyPowerManagement Quirk in Quirks>Kernel section of your config.plist
5. Save your config.plist

  • If MSR 0xE2 is unlocked on your Motherboard, disable the AppleIntelCPUPM option. See MSR Unlocking for more information.

For OpenCore
1. Download OC Auxiliary Tools
2. Open your config.plist using OC Auxiliary Tools.
3. Disable DummyPowerManagement in Kernel>Emulate section of your config.plist
4. Enable AppleCpuPmCfgLock Quirk in the Kernel>Quriks section of your config.plist
5. Save your config.plist

  • If MSR 0xE2 is unlocked on your Motherboard, disable the AppleCpuPmCfgLock Quirk. See MSR Unlocking for more information.

Method #2: Using Variable Patch
The preferred method for unlocking MSR Lock. However, this method is for more advanced users, involving patching BIOS or unlocking variables. You can find all those methods in the guide linked below.

STEP 5: Restart your System

After performing all the above steps, restart your system for the applied changes to take effect.
After restarting your system, you'll have Power Management working on your target System.

2. Haswell and newer

This section applies to Haswell and newer CPUs. For Ivy Bridge and older, see Ivy Bridge and older section for more information.

  • This method is supported only on Intel Haswell and the newer CPU Family. See AMD CPU Power Management for AMD CPUs.
  • For Intel Skylake and newer CPUs, see Intel HWP for more information.
  • XCPM is not natively supported on the X99 Platform (Haswell-E and Broadwell-E. To enable CPU Power Management on these CPUs, you'll need to spoof the CPU ID with a model which supports XCPM. See X99 CPU Power Management for more information.
  • If you have followed the Clover or OpenCore Installation guide correctly, the Power Management should be enabled by default for Haswell or newer CPU.


The next step is to add a CPU PM SSDT which will set PluginType=YES. The SSDT can be used for both Clover and OpenCore. To add the CPU PM SSDT, follow the steps below

1. Download the OpenCore boot loader from the downloads section of this forum.
2. Extract the OpenCorePkg
3. Mount your ESP

For Clover:
If you're using Clover, copy SSDT-PLUG.aml from the directory OpenCore-0.X.X-RELEASE/Docs/AcpiSamples/Binaries to EFI/Clover/ACPI/patched directory.

For OpenCore:
If you're using OpenCore, copy SSDT-PLUG.aml from the directory OpenCore-0.X.X-RELEASE/Docs/AcpiSamples/Binaries to EFI/OC/ACPI directory. You'll also need to add the ACPI entry in ACPI>Add section of your config.plist

  • Alder Lake and Raptor Lake users need to use SSDT-PLUG-ALT.aml instead of SSDT-PLUG.aml
  • The SSDT-PLUG-ALT.aml is located in OpenCore-0.X.X-RELEASE/Docs/AcpiSamples/Binaries directory
  • Starting with macOS Monterey 12.3 and later, SSDT-PLUG.aml is likely not required.

STEP 2: Modify config.plist

The next step is to modify the config.plist. All you need to do is enable some patches and/or Quirks to your config.plist. To add them, follow the steps below.

1. Mount your ESP.

For Clover
1. Download Clover Configurator
2. Open your config.plist using Clover Configurator
3. Enable KernelPm in Kernel and Kext Patches section of your config.plist
4. Disable DummyPowerManagement Quirk in Quirks>Kernel section of your config.plist
5. Save your config.plist

  • If MSR 0xE2 is unlocked on your Motherboard, disable the KernelPm option. See MSR Unlocking for more information.
  • If you're using Alder Lake CPU, you'll need to enable ProvideCurrentCpuInfo Quirk in the Quirks>Kernel section of your config.plist

For OpenCore
1. Download OC Auxiliary Tools
2. Open your config.plist using OC Auxiliary Tools.
3. Disable DummyPowerManagement in Kernel>Emulate section of your config.plist
4. Enable AppleXcpmCfgLock Quirk in the Kernel>Quriks section of your config.plist
5. Save your config.plist

  • If MSR 0xE2 is unlocked, disable the AppleXcpmCfgLock Quirk. See MSR Unlocking for more information.
  • If you're using Alder Lake CPU, you'll need to enable ProvideCurrentCpuInfo Quirk in the Kernel>Quirks section of your config.plist

STEP 3: Restart your System

After performing all the above steps, restart your system for the applied changes to take effect.
After restarting your system, you'll have Power Management working on your target System.

VI. AMD CPU Power Management

While AMD CPUs are officially not supported and due to this reason, macOS does not officially support the CPU Power Management on AMD CPUs. However, with the effort of the community, it is possible to implement CPU Power Management on AMD CPUs. The idea is very similar to Intel CPUs, with a few extra steps. To enable CPU Power Management for your AMD CPU, follow the steps below.

STEP 1: Add PM Kext

The first step is to add the required kexts to enable the Power Management.

  • This step is only required for AMD Ryzen CPUs only.
  • AMDRyzenCPUPowerManagement must load after essential kexts.

1. Download AMDRyzenCPUPowerManagement.kext from the downloads section of this forum.
2. Mount your ESP.

For Clover:
If you're using Clover, copy the kext to EFI/Clover/Kext/Others

For OpenCore:
If you're using OpenCore, copy the kext to EFI/OC/Kexts. You'll also need to add the kext entry in the Kernel section of your config.plist.

3. Save your config.plist

STEP 2: Configure Quirks

The next step is to configure the quirks. To add, follow the steps below.

1. Mount your ESP.

For Clover
1. Download Clover Configurator
2. Open your config.plist using Clover Configurator
3. Enable DummyPowerManagement in Quirks>Kernel section of your config.plist
4. Save your config.plist

For OpenCore
1. Download OC Auxiliary Tools
2. Open your config.plist using OC Auxiliary Tools.
3. Enable DummyPowerManagement in Kernel>Emulate section of your config.plist
4. Save your config.plist

STEP 3: Restart your System

After performing all the above steps, restart your system for the applied changes to take effect.
After restarting your system, you'll have Power Management working on your target System.

VII. Verifying CPU Power Management

The next step is to verify whether CPU Power Management is working or not.

Download IOReg and open it.


Ivy Bridge and older

Haswell and newer


  • Verify the plugin-type property. The plugin-type property is located under the CPU node.
  • Verify loading of X86PlatformPlugin. The X86PlatformPlugin is located under CPU node.
View attachment 2952

  • Verify the XCPM mode using sysctl machdep.xcpm.mode command in Terminal. If the command returns 1, that means XCPM mode is active.
  • Verify that the X86PlatformPlugin.kext is loaded.
  • Verify that the AppleIntelCPUPM is not loaded. If the command returns empty result, that's what is expected.
  • Verify that the XCPM FrequencyVectors are loaded using sysctl -n machdep.xcpm.vectors_loaded_count command in Terminal. If the command returns 1, the XCPM FrequencyVectors are properly loaded.



  • Verify the plugin-type property. The plugin-type property is located under the CPU node.
  • Verify loading of X86PlatformPlugin. The X86PlatformPlugin is located under CPU node.
  • Verify loading of AMDRyzenCPUPowerManagement

Screen Shot 2022-07-25 at 6.15.55 AM-min.png

VIII. Testing Power Management

After restarting, you can test the power management. To test the power management, there are two ways which has been discussed below.

1. Using AppleIntelInfo

You can either compile AppleIntelInfo.kext using XCode or can download from the post in the attachment.

1. Download and extract AppleIntelInfo.kext to your Desktop
2. Open the Terminal and execute the following commands. When prompted, enter your password.
#Load AppleIntelInfo.kext
sudo kextload /Users/yourusername/Desktop/AppleIntelInfo.kext
  • If you get an error while loading kext, follow the steps below.

#Modify Permissions
sudo chown -R root:wheel ~/Desktop/AppleIntelInfo.kext
sudo chmod -R 755 ~/Desktop/AppleIntelInfo.kext

On macOS Big Sur and Later, you need to allow the kext before you can load it. Follow the steps below to allow the kext

1. Open Terminal
2. Type:

sudo kextload /Users/yourusername/Desktop/AppleIntelInfo.kext

When prompted, enter your system password and you'll see a popup

Screen Shot 2022-07-24 at 8.12.04 PM-min.png
3. Click on Open Security Preferences
4. Unlock the Settings page by clicking on the Lock button and enter your password when prompted.
5. Click on Allow button

Screen Shot 2022-07-24 at 8.12.25 PM-min.png
6. Click on Restart button
Screen Shot 2022-07-24 at 8.12.37 PM-min.png

Continue from step 3.

4. Type:
sudo cat /tmp/AppleIntelInfo.dat
When prompted, enter your password.
5. The power states will be shown in the Terminal.
6. Now, do some benchmarks to stress the system.
7. Recheck the power states.

AppleIntelInfo.kext Output

AppleIntelInfo.kext v1.4 Copyright © 2012-2015 Pike R. Alpha. All rights reserved

logMSRs............................: 1
logIGPU............................: 1
logIntelRegs.......................: 1
logCStates.........................: 1
logIPGStyle........................: 1
InitialTSC.........................: 0x10a77f324eb
MWAIT C-States.....................: 286531872

Model Specific Regiters
MSR_CORE_THREAD_COUNT......(0x35) : 0x40008
MSR_PLATFORM_INFO..........(0xCE) : 0x4043DF1011200
MSR_PMG_IO_CAPTURE_BASE....(0xE4) : 0x51814
IA32_MPERF.................(0xE7) : 0x4680F3D6A
IA32_APERF.................(0xE8) : 0x271CEF7AB6
MSR_FLEX_RATIO.............(0x194) : 0x0
MSR_IA32_PERF_STATUS.......(0x198) : 0x1B4100001900
MSR_IA32_PERF_CONTROL......(0x199) : 0xA00
IA32_CLOCK_MODULATION......(0x19A) : 0x0
IA32_THERM_STATUS..........(0x19C) : 0x88390000
IA32_MISC_ENABLES..........(0x1A0) : 0x850089
MSR_MISC_PWR_MGMT..........(0x1AA) : 0x401CC1
MSR_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT......(0x1AD) : 0x22222222
IA32_ENERGY_PERF_BIAS......(0x1B0) : 0x5
MSR_POWER_CTL..............(0x1FC) : 0x24005F
MSR_RAPL_POWER_UNIT........(0x606) : 0xA0E03
MSR_PKG_POWER_LIMIT........(0x610) : 0x42816000DD8090
MSR_PKG_ENERGY_STATUS......(0x611) : 0x15D41C3
MSR_PKG_POWER_INFO.........(0x614) : 0x78
MSR_PP0_CURRENT_CONFIG.....(0x601) : 0x238
MSR_PP0_POWER_LIMIT........(0x638) : 0x0
MSR_PP0_ENERGY_STATUS......(0x639) : 0x8988B9
MSR_PP0_POLICY.............(0x63a) : 0x0
MSR_PKGC6_IRTL.............(0x60b) : 0x8876
MSR_PKG_C2_RESIDENCY.......(0x60d) : 0x3FA7E14C84
MSR_PKG_C3_RESIDENCY.......(0x3f8) : 0x8D822839A6
MSR_PKG_C6_RESIDENCY.......(0x3f9) : 0x0
IA32_TSC_DEADLINE..........(0x6E0) : 0x10A7A9B6C2E
PCH device.................: 0x9D4E8086

Intel Register Data
CPU_VGACNTRL...............: 0x0
DCC........................: 0x000a3162 ()
CHDECMISC..................: 0x00000898 (none, ch2 enh enabled, ch1 enh enabled, ch0 enh disabled, flex disabled, ep not present)
C0DRB0.....................: 0x000a3162 (0x3162)
C0DRB1.....................: 0x0000000a (0x000a)
C0DRB2.....................: 0x00000000 (0x0000)
C0DRB3.....................: 0x4c900000 (0x0000)
C1DRB0.....................: 0x16ad3db0 (0x3db0)
C1DRB1.....................: 0xff8016ad (0x16ad)
C1DRB2.....................: 0xffffff80 (0xff80)
C1DRB3.....................: 0x5180ffff (0xffff)
C0DRA01....................: 0x164a4c90 (0x4c90)
C0DRA23....................: 0xff80164a (0x164a)
C1DRA01....................: 0x16d85180 (0x5180)
C1DRA23....................: 0xff8016d8 (0x16d8)
PGETBL_CTL.................: 0x00000000
VCLK_DIVISOR_VGA0..........: 0x00050004 (n = 5, m1 = 0, m2 = 4)
VCLK_DIVISOR_VGA1..........: 0x00000000 (n = 0, m1 = 0, m2 = 0)
VCLK_POST_DIV..............: 0x04004018 (vga0 p1 = 26, p2 = 2, vga1 p1 = 2, p2 = 2)
DPLL_TEST..................: 0x00000030 (, DPLLA input buffer disabled, DPLLB input buffer disabled)
CACHE_MODE_0...............: 0x09070138
D_STATE....................: 0x00000101
DSPCLK_GATE_D..............: 0x00000000 (clock gates disabled:)
RENCLK_GATE_D1.............: 0x0000000f
RENCLK_GATE_D2.............: 0x00000000
SDVOB......................: 0x00000000 (disabled, pipe A, stall disabled, not detected)
SDVOC......................: 0x00000136 (disabled, pipe A, stall disabled, detected)
SDVOUDI....................: 0x00000000
DSPARB.....................: 0x00000000
FW_BLC.....................: 0x5ce0e8c8
FW_BLC2....................: 0x00007fff
FW_BLC_SELF................: 0x0034009e
DSPFW1.....................: 0x00000000
DSPFW2.....................: 0x00000000
DSPFW3.....................: 0x00000000
ADPA.......................: 0x00000136 (disabled, pipe A, -hsync, +vsync)
LVDS.......................: 0x0000002c (disabled, pipe A, 18 bit, 2 channels)
DVOA.......................: 0x0000021a (disabled, pipe A, no stall, +hsync, +vsync)
DVOB.......................: 0x00000000 (disabled, pipe A, no stall, -hsync, -vsync)
DVOC.......................: 0x00000136 (disabled, pipe A, no stall, -hsync, +vsync)
DVOA_SRCDIM................: 0x00000000
DVOB_SRCDIM................: 0x00000000
DVOC_SRCDIM................: 0x00000000
BLC_PWM_CTL................: 0x00007fd0
BLC_PWM_CTL2...............: 0x9aa131d0
PP_CONTROL.................: 0x00000000 (power target: off)
PP_STATUS..................: 0x00000000 (off, not ready, sequencing idle)
PP_ON_DELAYS...............: 0x9aa01d90
PP_OFF_DELAYS..............: 0x00007fd0
PP_DIVISOR.................: 0x00000004
PFIT_CONTROL...............: 0x00000004
PFIT_PGM_RATIOS............: 0x00000136
PORT_HOTPLUG_EN............: 0x00000000
PORT_HOTPLUG_STAT..........: 0x00000000
DSPACNTR...................: 0x00000000 (disabled, pipe A)
DSPASTRIDE.................: 0x5d001fe0 (1560289248 bytes)
DSPAPOS....................: 0x00007f8f (32655, 0)
DSPASIZE...................: 0x090371a8 (29097, 2308)
DSPABASE...................: 0x00000000
DSPASURF...................: 0x00000000
DSPATILEOFF................: 0x00000000
PIPEACONF..................: 0x00000000 (disabled, single-wide)
PIPEASRC...................: 0x00007fff (1, 32768)
PIPEA_GMCH_DATA_M..........: 0x09037068
PIPEA_GMCH_DATA_N..........: 0x00000001
PIPEA_DP_LINK_M............: 0x00000000
PIPEA_DP_LINK_N............: 0x00000000
CURSOR_A_BASE..............: 0x00000000
CURSOR_A_CONTROL...........: 0x00000000
CURSOR_A_POSITION..........: 0x00000000
FPA0.......................: 0x00000388 (n = 0, m1 = 3, m2 = 8)
FPA1.......................: 0x00000000 (n = 0, m1 = 0, m2 = 0)
DPLL_A.....................: 0x00005010 (disabled, non-dvo, VGA, TV B/C clock, unknown mode, p1 = 0, p2 = 0)
DPLL_A_MD..................: 0x00000000
HTOTAL_A...................: 0x00000000 (1 active, 1 total)
HBLANK_A...................: 0x00000000 (1 start, 1 end)
HSYNC_A....................: 0x8e766c88 (27785 start, 36471 end)
VTOTAL_A...................: 0x00007fff (32768 active, 1 total)
VBLANK_A...................: 0x00000060 (97 start, 1 end)
VSYNC_A....................: 0x00000000 (1 start, 1 end)
BCLRPAT_A..................: 0x00000000
VSYNCSHIFT_A...............: 0x00000000
DSPBCNTR...................: 0x09038198 (disabled, pipe B)
DSPBSTRIDE.................: 0x00000000 (0 bytes)
DSPBPOS....................: 0x00000000 (0, 0)
DSPBSIZE...................: 0x00000000 (1, 1)
DSPBBASE...................: 0x00000001
DSPBSURF...................: 0x00000000
DSPBTILEOFF................: 0x00007f8f
PIPEBCONF..................: 0x00000000 (disabled, single-wide)
PIPEBSRC...................: 0x00000000 (1, 1)
PIPEBSTAT..................: 0x00000000 (status:)
PIPEB_GMCH_DATA_M..........: 0x00000000
PIPEB_GMCH_DATA_N..........: 0x00000000
PIPEB_DP_LINK_M............: 0x5d001fe0
PIPEB_DP_LINK_N............: 0x00007f8f
CURSOR_B_BASE..............: 0x00007f8f
CURSOR_B_CONTROL...........: 0x5d001fe0
CURSOR_B_POSITION..........: 0x090370e0
FPB0.......................: 0x00000388 (n = 0, m1 = 3, m2 = 8)
FPB1.......................: 0x00000000 (n = 0, m1 = 0, m2 = 0)
DPLL_B.....................: 0x00000000 (disabled, non-dvo, VGA, default clock, unknown mode, p1 = 0, p2 = 0)
DPLL_B_MD..................: 0x00000000
HTOTAL_B...................: 0x00000000 (1 active, 1 total)
HBLANK_B...................: 0x00000000 (1 start, 1 end)
HSYNC_B....................: 0x9a909670 (38513 start, 39569 end)
VTOTAL_B...................: 0x00007fd0 (32721 active, 1 total)
VBLANK_B...................: 0x0000004c (77 start, 1 end)
VSYNC_B....................: 0x0000010b (268 start, 1 end)
BCLRPAT_B..................: 0x00000000
VSYNCSHIFT_B...............: 0x00000004
VCLK_DIVISOR_VGA0..........: 0x00050004
VCLK_DIVISOR_VGA1..........: 0x00000000
VCLK_POST_DIV..............: 0x04004018
VGACNTRL...................: 0x09038418 (enabled)
TV_CTL.....................: 0x5c5024a0
TV_DAC.....................: 0x00007fff
TV_CSC_Y...................: 0x879468a8
TV_CSC_Y2..................: 0x00007fff
TV_CSC_U...................: 0x8f2d00f0
TV_CSC_U2..................: 0x00007fff
TV_CSC_V...................: 0x8f2d00f0
TV_CSC_V2..................: 0x00007fff
TV_CLR_KNOBS...............: 0x5c5024a0
TV_CLR_LEVEL...............: 0x00007fff
TV_H_CTL_1.................: 0x00000000
TV_H_CTL_2.................: 0x00000000
TV_H_CTL_3.................: 0x87946730
TV_V_CTL_1.................: 0x00007fff
TV_V_CTL_2.................: 0x87b67068
TV_V_CTL_3.................: 0x00007fff
TV_V_CTL_4.................: 0x8f2d0140
TV_V_CTL_5.................: 0x00007fff
TV_V_CTL_6.................: 0x5c5024a0
TV_V_CTL_7.................: 0x00007fff
TV_SC_CTL_1................: 0x87946e00
TV_SC_CTL_2................: 0x00007fff
TV_SC_CTL_3................: 0x8f2d00f0
TV_WIN_POS.................: 0x8f2d00f0
TV_WIN_SIZE................: 0x00007fff
TV_FILTER_CTL_1............: 0x00000000
TV_FILTER_CTL_2............: 0x00000000
TV_FILTER_CTL_3............: 0x87946ca8
TV_CC_CONTROL..............: 0x87b67130
TV_CC_DATA.................: 0x00007fff
TV_H_LUMA_0................: 0x87952868
TV_H_LUMA_59...............: 0x00000000
TV_H_CHROMA_0..............: 0x8f2d00f0
TV_H_CHROMA_59.............: 0x00007fff
FBC_CFB_BASE...............: 0x09071218
FBC_LL_BASE................: 0x00000001
FBC_CONTROL................: 0x00000000
FBC_COMMAND................: 0x00000000
FBC_STATUS.................: 0x00000000
FBC_CONTROL2...............: 0x00000000
FBC_FENCE_OFF..............: 0x00000000
FBC_MOD_NUM................: 0x5d001fe0
MI_MODE....................: 0x00000000
MI_ARB_STATE...............: 0x00000000
MI_RDRET_STATE.............: 0x00000001
ECOSKPD....................: 0x00000000
DP_B.......................: 0x00000000
DPB_AUX_CH_CTL.............: 0x00000000
DPB_AUX_CH_DATA1...........: 0x00000000
DPB_AUX_CH_DATA2...........: 0x00000000
DPB_AUX_CH_DATA3...........: 0x00000000
DPB_AUX_CH_DATA4...........: 0x00000000
DPB_AUX_CH_DATA5...........: 0x00000000
DP_C.......................: 0x00050004
DPC_AUX_CH_CTL.............: 0x04004010
DPC_AUX_CH_DATA1...........: 0x00005010
DPC_AUX_CH_DATA2...........: 0x3b220230
DPC_AUX_CH_DATA3...........: 0x00007fc0
DPC_AUX_CH_DATA4...........: 0x3b2202a0
DPC_AUX_CH_DATA5...........: 0x00007fc0
DP_D.......................: 0x00000000
DPD_AUX_CH_CTL.............: 0x88217709
DPD_AUX_CH_DATA1...........: 0x001dffff
DPD_AUX_CH_DATA2...........: 0x00001280
DPD_AUX_CH_DATA3...........: 0x00000001
DPD_AUX_CH_DATA4...........: 0x00050005
DPD_AUX_CH_DATA5...........: 0x00000003
AUD_CONFIG.................: 0x00000000
AUD_HDMIW_STATUS...........: 0x00000000
AUD_CONV_CHCNT.............: 0x00000000
VIDEO_DIP_CTL..............: 0x00000000
AUD_PINW_CNTR..............: 0x00000000
AUD_CNTL_ST................: 0x00000000
AUD_PIN_CAP................: 0x00000000
AUD_PINW_CAP...............: 0x00000000
AUD_PINW_UNSOLRESP.........: 0x00000000
AUD_OUT_DIG_CNVT...........: 0x00000000
AUD_OUT_CWCAP..............: 0x00000000
AUD_GRP_CAP................: 0x00000000
FENCE 0...................: 0x5d001fe0 (disabled)
FENCE 1...................: 0x00007f8f (enabled, Y tiled, 128 pitch, 0x00000000 - 0x08000000 (131072kb))
FENCE 2...................: 0x09070020 (disabled)
FENCE 3...................: 0x00000001 (enabled, X tiled, 512 pitch, 0x00000000 - 0x00100000 (1024kb))
FENCE 4...................: 0x00000000 (disabled)
FENCE 5...................: 0x00000000 (disabled)
FENCE 6...................: 0x00000000 (disabled)
FENCE 7...................: 0x00000000 (disabled)
FENCE 8...................: 0x00000000 (disabled)
FENCE 9...................: 0x00000000 (disabled)
FENCE 10..................: 0x00000000 (disabled)
FENCE 11..................: 0x00000000 (disabled)
FENCE 12..................: 0x00000000 (disabled)
FENCE 13..................: 0x00000000 (disabled)
FENCE 14..................: 0x5d001fe0 (disabled)
FENCE 15..................: 0x00007f8f (enabled, Y tiled, 128 pitch, 0x00000000 - 0x08000000 (131072kb))
FENCE START 0..............: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE END 0................: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE START 1..............: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE END 1................: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE START 2..............: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE END 2................: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE START 3..............: 0x5d001fe0 ()
FENCE END 3................: 0x00007f8f ()
FENCE START 4..............: 0x09071038 ()
FENCE END 4................: 0x00000001 ()
FENCE START 5..............: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE END 5................: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE START 6..............: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE END 6................: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE START 7..............: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE END 7................: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE START 8..............: 0x5d001fe0 ()
FENCE END 8................: 0x00007f8f ()
FENCE START 9..............: 0x09071060 ()
FENCE END 9................: 0x00000001 ()
FENCE START 10.............: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE END 10...............: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE START 11.............: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE END 11...............: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE START 12.............: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE END 12...............: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE START 13.............: 0x5d001fe0 ()
FENCE END 13...............: 0x00007f8f ()
FENCE START 14.............: 0x09071088 ()
FENCE END 14...............: 0x00000001 ()
FENCE START 15.............: 0x00000000 ()
FENCE END 15...............: 0x00000000 ()
INST_PM....................: 0x00000000
p1 out of range
ref out of range
pipe A dot 0 n 0 m1 3 m2 8 p1 1 p2 10
p1 out of range
pipe B dot 168000 n 0 m1 3 m2 8 p1 1 p2 10

CPU Ratio Info:
CPU Low Frequency Mode.............: 400 MHz
CPU Maximum non-Turbo Frequency....: 1800 MHz
CPU Maximum Turbo Frequency........: 3400 MHz

IGPU Info:
IGPU Current Frequency.............: 0 MHz
IGPU Minimum Frequency.............: 300 MHz
IGPU Maximum Non-Turbo Frequency...: 300 MHz
IGPU Maximum Turbo Frequency.......: 1100 MHz
IGPU Maximum limit.................: No Limit

CPU P-States [ (12) 18 26 ] iGPU P-States [ ]
CPU C3-Cores [ 0 6 7 ]
CPU C3-Cores [ 0 2 3 6 7 ]
CPU C3-Cores [ 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 ]
CPU C3-Cores [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ]
CPU P-States [ 12 (16) 18 26 ] iGPU P-States [ ]
CPU P-States [ 12 (16) 17 18 26 ] iGPU P-States [ ]
CPU P-States [ 12 (16) 17 18 21 26 ] iGPU P-States [ ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 14 16 17 18 21 26 ] iGPU P-States [ ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 13 14 16 17 18 21 26 ] iGPU P-States [ ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 26 ] iGPU P-States [ ]
CPU P-States [ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 (20) 21 26 ] iGPU P-States [ (30) ]
CPU P-States [ 12 13 14 15 (16) 17 18 20 21 24 26 ] iGPU P-States [ 30 ]
CPU P-States [ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 (23) 24 26 ] iGPU P-States [ 30 ]
CPU P-States [ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 23 24 26 (31) ] iGPU P-States [ 30 ]
CPU P-States [ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 23 24 26 27 31 (32) ] iGPU P-States [ 30 ]
CPU P-States [ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 23 (24) 26 27 30 31 32 ] iGPU P-States [ 30 ]
CPU P-States [ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 30 (31) 32 ] iGPU P-States [ 30 ]
CPU P-States [ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 (30) 31 32 ] iGPU P-States [ 30 ]
CPU P-States [ 12 13 14 15 (16) 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 ] iGPU P-States [ 30 ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 ] iGPU P-States [ 30 ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ] iGPU P-States [ 30 ]
CPU P-States [ (12) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ] iGPU P-States [ 2 30 ]
CPU P-States [ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (34) ] iGPU P-States [ 2 30 ]
CPU P-States [ (9) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 ] iGPU P-States [ 2 30 ]
CPU P-States [ (9) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 ] iGPU P-States [ 2 30 ]
CPU P-States [ 9 (10) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 ] iGPU P-States [ 2 30 ]
CPU P-States [ 9 10 11 (12) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ] iGPU P-States [ 2 30 ]
CPU P-States [ 9 10 11 (12) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ] iGPU P-States [ 2 30 ]
CPU P-States [ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (16) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ] iGPU P-States [ 2 30 ]

2.Using Intel Power Gadget Tool

1. Install Intel Power Gadget.
2. Leave the system idle for a minute.
3. After a minute or two, start doing tasks on your system. You can use benchmarking software to increase the CPU load.

Idle Mode to Load

Screen Shot 2022-07-25 at 12.11.09 AM-min.png
Load to Idle Mode
Screen Shot 2022-07-25 at 12.11.51 AM-min.png

  • Intel Power Gadget is supported on Sandy Bridge and later only.
  • Intel Power Gadget does not support dual processors.


On Hackintoshes, hibernation (suspend to disk or S4 sleep) is not supported. Therefore, it's recommended to disable it.

1. Open Terminal and execute the following commands one by one.

sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0
sudo rm /var/vm/sleepimage
sudo mkdir /var/vm/sleepimage

Also, it's a good idea to disable the other hibernation related functions.

sudo pmset -a standby 0
sudo pmset -a autopoweroff 0

  • When updating your system, make sure that the hibernation is disabled as the system updates re-enables it.

Problem Reporting

Details :
  1. macOS version
  2. CPU/Motherboard model
  3. Copy of IOReg
  4. Output of AppleInfo.dat
  5. Kextcache output
Screenshots :
  • System Information
  • Intel Power Gadget Tool
  • For Clover, compress EFI/Clover, exclude the themes folder.
  • For OpenCore, compress EFI/OC.
  • Do not include complete EFI folder.
  • Put all files in a folder with your name, compress files as Zip and attach files using site attachments only.
  • Do not use any external links.
Credits :
Pike R. Alpha


Last edited:
  • Like
Reactions: Coool
I did all, and how to understand its work or no?


I did all, and how to understand its work or no?
Your IOReg proves that your PM is working. The guide states how to check if your PM is working. But you should use a new SMBIOS for MacBookPro14,1
  • Like
Reactions: mark


Looks like you did not used the system. As mentioned, after loading the kext, you must run a bunch of task so that the CPU goes to it's full speed.
Looks like you did not used the system. As mentioned, after loading the kext, you must run a bunch of task so that the CPU goes to it's full speed.
how is it now?


how is it now?
Looks good. The PM is working and all the cores are being utilised and CPU runs at it's full speed. Complete 4.0GHz
  • Like
Reactions: mark
Looks good. The PM is working and all the cores are being utilised and CPU runs at it's full speed. Complete 4.0GHz
Oh god, i glad for this. Thank you
  • Like
Reactions: EliteMacx86

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