Hi Guys it's important use an alternative, like VoodooHDA.kext
VoodooHDA its amazing in these days. I prepare a patcher from AppleLife.Ru, that create your VoodooHDA.pkg and just need install normally, gave permissions and restart. VoodooPerfPane is installed automatic too.
1. Open your EFI folder and remove AppleALC.kext or any other like VoodooHDA kext.
|||| PS: Do not copy VoodooHDA kext on your EFI ||||
* * VoodooHDA will not run in EFI, but will be installed by patcher in L/E.
2. Download Zip folder Voodoo Installer attached
3. Configure your SIP for Opencore : <data> <850A0000>
For Clover just recommended by VoodooHDA developer autor/creator
@Slice 0xA87 and if necessary "FixHDA" in ACPI
4. Open Terminal and give root SuperUser permissions:
sudo -I and type enter
Type cd and copy folder (drag and drop) to terminal, and press/type enter.
copy makeinstall.sh to terminal and press/enter and all pkgs will be create.
Just run VoodooHDA.pkg installer.
Follow instructions to give permissions on Private and Security.
Restart your macOs Sequoia or any other that you want use.
Audio Sound Quality from VoodooHDA is much better now, the developers update to 3.0.2 release.
See my video tutorial in Youtube