Hi guys, I have LG 17 Gram 17z990 i7-8565u uhd620 whiskey lake, 16GB ram, 1TB intel nvme, clover 5112 and macos 10.14.5. and 10.15.3 Everything works just fine, but apfs booting. It stuck on ++++++++++++++++++
(see here)
The same apfs disk on another host is booting fine.
My PR:
macos-LG17-2:~ bob$ sudo kextcache -i /
KernelCache ID: 3DE2E40625E2FE8C3D59AAA1180CE962
Kext with invalid signatured (-67050) allowed: <OSKext 0x7ff334b0c9f0 [0x7fffa60698e0]> { URL = "file:///Library/Extensions/Sinetek-rtsx.kext/", ID = "com.sinet3k.Sinetek-rtsx" }
Clover zip file even without most heavy kext is 3.4 MB It is too big to be uploaded here, but I posted a link to the whole folder
Bios pictures are attached as well as ioreg, clover preboot log and bootlog
Ny help would be very much appreciated