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About memory errors

I wasn't able to take a good video, but is this enough?


I wasn't able to take a good video, but is this enough?
Replace the attached SSDT in the attachment. Make sure to remove the former EC-USBX SSDT.


I replaced the SSDT, but there was no difference in operation.


I replaced the SSDT, but there was no difference in operation.
From Windows, check the EC device ACPI path and provide a picture.

Remove SSDT-PNLF and SSDT-PMC.aml.
Replace AMDTscSync.kext with ForgedInvariant.kext
Enable CustomSMBIOSGuid Quirk in Kernel>Quirks.
Also, you have ncpi=0x200 which is a bogus arg. The correct arg is npci=0x2000.
Set UpdateSMBIOSMode to Custom.

Attach the revised EFI to check.
thank you. However, there was no improvement. The value of the last error changed slightly, but the content remained the same. I am currently working hard to acquire ACPI.


ACPI path :

スクリーンショット 2024-08-16 221205.png
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thank you. However, there was no improvement. The value of the last error changed slightly, but the content remained the same. I am currently working hard to acquire ACPI.
Not sure why you and other member is so much confused with the args. You have ncpi=0x200. That's an invalid arg. The correct arg is npci=0x2000.

Attach the verbose video to diagnose further!
sorry. this.
But it still doesn't work


sorry. this.
But it still doesn't work
Damn. Its again wrong. Check the arg. You have a TYPO. Its npci=0x2000 not ncpi=0x2000.

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