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post installation

  1. hexsander

    Safari lag performance no smooth

    After installing and setting up all using safari shows laggy when i install 3rd party browsers like arc, brave , chrome , edge all are smooth and gpu acceleration working great how i know it laggy like scrolling and going on google earth and zooming in and out the earth load on safari is laggy...
  2. sekansh21

    Hardware Acceleration issue on my MacOS Sonoma 14.1

    I was trying to use Udemy and it kept showing me a blank screen and I looked it up why and It said that it could be a hardware acceleration (I'm not sure) I looked up post install guide on dortania the and I read this guide : https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Post-Install/universal/drm.html...
  3. sekansh21

    "Could not communicate with the server" error on MacOS Sonoma 14.1

    I want to use iservices on my sonoma but it doesnt let me i tried reading the dortania guide or following guides from youtube i tried almost everything but i cant seem to get it working i think im most likely ignoring something from the guide or tutorial but i just cant seem to find it out i am...
  4. A

    SOLVED Dell Inspiron 15R SE ( 7520) Monterey Post Installation

    What kind of post-installation settings should i do to enable Battery , Audio, bluetooth? Please advise .
  5. Z

    A lot of app doesn't work

    I recently installed my hackintosh and all works fine except button "ok" in Plans, Chrome (not start just a white page) and Firefox (launch but freeze). Have you any ideas of the problem ? Also when I record my screen with "screenshot" the result is just a blue background and the cursor. It's...
  6. EliteMacx86

    GUIDE How to Configure Post Installation on macOS [Clover/OpenCore]

    How to Configure Post Installation on macOS [Clover/OpenCore] Before you configure the Post Installation for your System, make sure you have installed macOS. If you have not installed macOS yet, follow one of the installation guides linked below. Clover Installation Guide...