Lilu Kernel extension for blocking unwanted processes causing compatibility issues on different hardware and unlocking the support for certain features restricted to other hardware. The list of blocks currently includes:
- /System/Library/CoreServices/ExpansionSlotNotification
- /System/Library/CoreServices/MemorySlotNotification
The list of patches currently includes:
- Disabled MacBookAir model memory replacement UI (comes in pair with SystemMemoryStatus = Upgradable quirk).
- Disabled MacPro7,1 PCI Expansion view and RAM view.
- CPU brand string patch for non-Intel CPUs (can be forced for Intel with revcpu=1).
- Disabled uninitialized disk UI
Note: Apple CPU identifier must be 0x0F01 for 8 core CPUs or higher and 0x0601 for 1, 2, 4, or 6 cores. This is the default in OpenCore for non-natively supported CPUs.
Boot arguments
- -revoff (or -liluoff) to disable
- -revdbg (or -liludbgall) to enable verbose logging (in DEBUG builds)
- -revbeta (or -lilubetaall) to enable on macOS older than 10.8 or newer than 13
- -revproc to enable verbose process logging (in DEBUG builds)
- revpatch=value to enable patching as comma separated options. Default value is auto.
- memtab - enable memory tab in System Information on MacBookAir and MacBookPro10,x platforms
- pci - prevent PCI configuration warnings on MacPro7,1 platforms
- cpuname - custom CPU name in System Information
- diskread - disables uninitialized disk warning in Finder
- asset - allows Content Caching when sysctl kern.hv_vmm_present returns 1 on macOS 11.3 or newer
- sbvmm - forces VMM SB model, allowing OTA updates for unsupported models on macOS 11.3 or newer
- none - disable all patching
- auto - same as memtab,pci,cpuname, without memtab and pci patches being applied on real Macs
- revcpu=value to enable (1, non-Intel default)/disable (0, Intel default) CPU brand string patching.
- revcpuname=value custom CPU brand string (max 48 characters, 20 or less recommended, taken from CPUID otherwise)
Note: 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102:revpatch, 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102:revcpu and 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102:revcpuname NVRAM variables work the same as the boot arguments, but have lower priority.
Changelog v1.0.8
- Added constants for macOS 13 support
- Do not enable Memory and PCI UI patching on real Macs in auto mode
- Added MacPro7,1 memory patch for macOS 13 System Settings->General->About