I'm using intel dual band AC7265
By the way, after Airportitlwm 2.3.0 got released, I just updated to Sonoma 14.5 and using MacBookPro 15,2 SMBIOS and still having that problem (without using the FeatureUnlock.kext, since the SMBIOS doesn't need that).
I've successfully used my Broadwell laptop on Ventura. But somehow Airplay stopped working, the Hackintosh doesn't show up on my iPhone as it was on Monterey. How can I fix it? I'm using MacbookPro 14,1 SMBIOS by the way
I was wondering the same question. Can you show me where can I get that kext? I've searched but it only shows up on MacMeUp. Is that the right place?
I have a RX 560 and i5 6500 which has HD 530. I only need my iGPU for computing purposes. Do I have to spoof it? If yes, is there any difference in the device ID or framebuffer?
I measured the boot time and disk speed using Blackmagic disk speed test before and after enabling FileVault. The boot time and disk speed is about the same. Looks like disk performance is not affected much when enabling FileVault.
I tested on a KingDian 120GB m.SATA SSD
I have a question: Does enabling FileVault make disk speed slower? I've read some post says that non T2 real-Macs' disk performance decreased when enable FileVault
Oh, I forgot to mention that.
As I've mention before, with the same bitrate, H.264 and HEVC have the same file size. So when I exported HEVC to 5000kbps, and H.264 to 10000kbps, HEVC outputted about half the file size compare to H.264 (about 100MB vs 180MB)
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