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  1. EliteMacx86

    GUIDE How to Enable eMMC and MMC Cards on macOS

    How to Enable eMMC and MMC Cards on macOS This guide covers enabling eMMC and MMC Cards on macOS using Clover and OpenCore. By following this guide, you'll be able to enable eMMC and MMC based storage devices on macOS using Clover or OpenCore Bootloader. Overview Embedded Multi-media Card...
  2. Striker

    Innie 1.3.0

    Innie A kernel extension for making all PCIe drives appear internal in macOS. Changelog v1.3.0 Improve detection logic Rewrite to use I/O Kit startup Alternative An alternative to Innie is to add the built-in device property for each drive. This can be accomplished with OpenCore. Dependency...
  3. Striker

    DiskArbitrationFixup Latest

    DiskArbitrationFixup Lilu plugin for disabling the "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer" message at boot on 10.9 or later. Useful if you have other disks with filesystems unknown to macOS. Need to be compiled.
  4. Striker

    NVMeFix 1.1.0

    NVMeFix is a set of patches for the Apple NVMe storage driver, IONVMeFamily. Its goal is to improve compatibility with non-Apple SSDs. It may be used both on Apple and non-Apple computers. Changelog v1.1.0 Added constants for macOS 13 support The following features are implemented...
  5. EliteMacx86

    Storage Compatibility for macOS

    Storage Compatibility for macOS Intel AHCI and RAID Controllers Vendor Chipset Series VEN ID:EV ID Support Kext Intel 5 Series Chipset 8086:3b29 8086:3b22 8086:3b2f Intel 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset SATA RAID Controller 8086,3b25 8086,3b2C Intel 6 Series Chipset 8086:1c02 8086:1c03...