I have thunderbolt working with UAD Apollo interface. Hotplug works. I now connected a 4K Display via USBC/DisplayPort Cable. I also have a second 4K Display connected via the HDMI output of the PC. Both Displays work flawless - even Audio works.
One thing doesn't work:
The display connected...
Titan Ridge
- USB Connected
- Power Cable connected
- Thunderbolt Header Cable connected to the Card but NOT plugged into the Mainboard Header. Just hanging in the Air.
The Card Only gets recognized in macOS IORegExpl when the Audio Interface is switched on and plugged in.
If not switched on...
Okay I have Thunderbolt up and running.
All I did was disconnect the Header Cable from the Mainboard Header.
I didn not short PINS 3 and 5, and: it is a regular GC Titan Ridge PCIe Card - no Custom Firmware, no flashing.
Then I put the SSDT-DTPG.aml into the ACPI Folder of Opencore.
I have no...
Back again.
A friend of a friend has a AMD PC:
- Gigabyte TRX40 Aorus Wifi Pro REV 1.1 Motherboard
- Threadripper 3970 Processor.
- GB Titanridge TB3 Card V2
I managed to install Big Sur and everythings works, exept the TB Card.
I tried the Hackindrom.aml etc. but thing is:
As soon as I plug...
I think/hope I found a solution for the instability with hot plug.
It's in the USBMap.kext.
If I start the PC withOUT a Thunderbolt Device connected, Only the XHC ports and NO pci8086,15ec Ports will be populated as USB Ports (screenshot 1). Ergo the TB USB Ports can not be mapped. Ergo they are...
by "bricked" i mean that the Chip is left inoperable and can not be overwritten with the original Firmware anymore.
and yes, I know the guide, however this guide is for GC Gigabyte Cards. So far I have not found any report or anything on the net about flashing onboard chip on non-Gigabyte...
Every couple of days, I loose Hotplug, I don't know why, so I think about flashing the Thunderbolt Chip
I've heard of flashing a budget Gigabyte Card, but flashing the Mainboard gets expensive if it goes wrong.
If flashing the Thunderbolt Chip on the Mainboard, can I go back...
My Mainboard (ASUS Proart Creator) does not have a Thunderbolt Header. Does the flashed card need a Thunderbolt Header connection? Or does it just plug into the PCI Slot and connect to Power via the 6PIN Power connetor that one uses also for GPU cards etc.
If I was to buy a Gigabyte GC Titan Ridge PCI card and flash it, could I install that in the ASUS Proart Creator Mainboard? I am asking about the connections the flashed Card needs, since the Proart Creator does not have a Thunderbolt header.
So would putting the flashed Card into the PCI slot...
Sleep/wake works perfect. As I already wrote, it also works on the Thunderbolt Bus as long as the TB Device stays ON during sleep. When I switch TB Device OFF before or during sleep, it will not come back after sleepwhen switched on again.
Here's the PR files. Sleep issue is still the same. When I shut down the audio interface before sleep, It doesn't come back after sleep. When I leave it on, it "survives" the sleep.
Are there any other measures besides taking screenshots of the BIOS, I can take to troubleshoot or even solve the problem, that my Audio Interface does not come back - after the PC comes back from Sleep?
Or is "taking screenshots" the only help you provide on the path to a solution of this...
I did follow the instructions. In the instructions it says nothing about BIOS screenshots. It says sceenshot Hackintool>PCI and system report>PCI. So, I did exactly follow the instructions.
The Bios exported settings show "NONE" not "Disabled". You're wrong here, get your facts straight!
Well, I know a thing or two about PCs and one thing is for sure:
Taking screenshots isn't going to change a thing.
So you have to trust me on this:
The GPIO3 Force Pwr was always set to "enabled".
Even after resetting the BIOS to default and setting the Bios up again, the result is the same...
I use stock firmware.
When I set GPIO3 Force Pwr to "enabled" it says "None" in the BIOS_Export.txt
When I set GPIO3 Force Pwr to "Disabled" it says "Auto" in the BIOS_Export.txt
I have no clue, what to make of this ???? :unsure:
How can I be sure, that it is enabled all the time? Is there a...
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