I've read something about this incompatibility but since the first message in this thread has the same processor and has installed it even though he wants to enable graphics acceleration, I continued with the installation. I'll assume that and keep looking for more later, thanks.
I'm new to this, I created my EFI, I took yours from this thread and I can't get past the same point in both, (at least you have it installed). In this image that I attached is where it gets stuck, the image is not mine but the errors are the same. My PC is Beelink EQR6 with the 7735hs...
Buenas. Soy nuevo con esto, he creado mi EFI, he cogido la tuya de este hilo y no consigo pasar del mismo punto en ambas, (tu al menos lo tienes instalado). En esta imagen que adjunto es donde se me queda estancado, la imágen no es mía pero los fallos son iguales. Mi pc es Beelink EQR6 con el...
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