I had a killer 1535 (the default 9360 wireless card). I kept it installed for a long time to use it on windows. Right now the broadcom card is working nicely in both os.
We'll see. It's strange that there wasn't even an error pointing out the wireless card or something related (like pci-e...
Well right now it has been over a week that the laptop does not shutdown. Coincidently a week ago I recived and installed a bcm94360cs2 wireless card, I guess the unsupported wifi card was causing issues.
I'm not sure this is 100% the reason. I guess only time will tell us if this was the...
Only in macOS the laptop shuts down after login while on battery, this happens sometimes but not always. In the video I was lucky and it didn't shutdown. Anyway I think I'm gonna try to but an OEM battery on amazon, if it keeps happening I could send it back anyways
Pretty much the same thing happening in the video I posted not that long ago.
I'm gonna later attach ioreg, pci report, diagnostic report and efi folder. I think it might be useful also using the debug version of opencore to get more in-depth informations? What do you think?
Also if this...
I'm really starting to give up. Problem keeps happening. It's so frastuating because it presents it self on random periods, yesterday and today morning it didn't happen. Today afternnon the problem came back.
By seeing my last wrong assumtions I cannot say something for sure but I suspect it's...
Well but if there was some kind of short the laptop would have shutted down even on windows. Maybe after startup the rtc clock resetted and macOS didn't handle this properly while windows doesn't care
Well this is what I'm trying to figure out. As macOS is shutting down only when it's powered by battery I do belive that the cmos battery is charged only by the AC adapter.
Yes it's the cmos battery and it's rechargeable. It's written on the battery itself. I do belive it's just faulty.
Right now I connected a non rechargeable battery to test it and tomorrow a new rechargeable battery will arrive.
Well, I think I figured out what's wrong. I tought the bios battery was fine because when mesuring it with a multimeter (3V). After one of this suddent shutdowns I measured it again and it was 0,1V. So the battery was charging but cannot provide any power. Seems like windows can handle this...
Just to say that he has the same exact components as my laptop. (This xps model was sold with different cpus (i5/i7) and different screen types and resolutions)
No, in post #20 you said that those changes were needed to the "clean" efi (attached to post #17).
The one attached to post #29 is from this guy: https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/dell-xps-9360.316568/
He's got my exact configuration.
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