Well, I ended there : https://github.com/the-darkvoid/OS-X-Fake-PCI-ID
And there : https://bitbucket.org/RehabMan/os-x-fake-pci-id/downloads/
My problem : I don't understand how i should use this :/
I gave this project up, as it seems the integrated screen is not MacOS compatible.
It only works without graphics acceleration : otherwise, it become totally black, unusable.
Hi there !
I have the same problem as Madura on page 2 with a GT 730 in my case.
He solved his problem, but I don't understand what he did ?!?
I have sound from the motherboard, but Hackintool shows an unknown codec.
I'll post a SS in a few minutes, from the Big Sur machine.
After many tries, the system went locked up because of a wrong bios parameter.
But I found a way to fix it, so Big Sur is running again. Without embedded screen (HQP) as usual.
I made "some" progress...
First, using a dock, I did a clone of the currently working system, and EFI backup done too.
Still using "-igfxvesa", the clone comes to desktop, 1080p. Nice.
I tried embedded screen backlight controls => they works. Then, I put max brighness.
After that, I did the...
Post #98 : no.
Everytime mirror was activated, the resolution went to 1280x1024.
My purpose is to only use the internal monitor. If I need to move the "Mac" to another location, it will be more easy without an external monitor, by example.
But it's the first time I got 1080p !
All the previous installs gave only 1280x1024, hmmm...
And maybe there's a path to explore with "mirroring" ? I saw it's disabled on the system info picture.
About the 2 choices, what's your bet ?
So, I totally removed "DP" options, and used "igfxvesa" switch.
The install went fine, no display acceleration, but 1080p finally.
Obviously, the sound do not works. Obviously.
Now, I have 2 choices :
- removing "igfxvesa" switch, or
- trying to inject HQP screen EDID
No idea what's the best...
Well, I tried to "play" with EDID editor : Analog Way EDID Editor. Nice tool ! You should give it a look !
After that, I tried every "model" (0x166A thingy) : a few ended with black screen(s), a few worked, but HQP stood black).
Right now, I did a fresh Big Sur install on another drive...
I installed Teamviewer on autostart and launched Big Sur.
Logging in from a PC, I see that the AIO only displays a black screen, even though I can enter the password blind.
So I don't think there's a problem with the backlight.
But why does the AIO screen work properly at first, and then...
Maybe you should begin with another translator, as you're saying that's looking like gibberish.
Try deepl.com
Also, don't forget to update your profile with the specifications of your hardware.
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