EliteMacx86.com Forum Rules
- Registration to the forums at www.elitemacx86.com, is free! However, you are required to accept and follow the rules, policies and terms detailed below.
- Although the administrators and moderators of the forum will use the best endeavours to keep all offensive and objectionable messages off this site, it is impossible for us to review all messages and/or all messages in a timely manner. All messages and responses created in the forums, express the views of the relevant person and not the owner of the forums or any other person associated with the administration, maintenance and development of the forums. Neither the owner of the forums or any other person associated with the administration, maintenance and development of the forums will be held responsible for the content of any message or other material posted on the forums.
- In becoming a member of the forums at www.elitemacx86.com you agree to the following:
General Rules
- All information and instructions given within these forums is to be used at your own risk. By following or using any of these information, you are only responsible for it. The forum www.elitemacx86.com shall not be liable for any damages.
- This forum does not discuss about piracy or illegal software. Any use, discussions, postings which promotes/includes a torrent, VMware image, distros, modifying the installer will result in an instant ban. Piracy is illegal and will not be tolerated in any case.
- The only valid method to create the USB is using createinstallmedia, an Official method. Any use, discussions, posting of other methods will be deleted.
- By installing OS X/macOS on a non-Apple hardware, you violate the Apple’s EULA. In most countries, violating the terms of the EULA is not illegal as it is a contract. You are advised to consult your local laws before proceeding.
- Discussion for AMD CPU is not allowed. Any discussions, posting related to installation or help for AMD CPU will be removed. You account might be deleted/banned in case of this repeatative action.
- The staff on the forum may edit posts, threads, avatars, profile details, or signatures without any notice to enforce these rules.
- Each member is allowed to have only one single Account on the forum. In case, if the member is banned, do not create a new Account as our system will automatically detect and will result in an instant ban and your account will be deleted permanently.
- If there's any issue with your Account, use Contact form and describe your issue.
- Users who want to remove/delete their account, will need to notify us by using the Contact Us form.
- The username should not contain your real name, email address, or any other personal information which can be identified.
- A username should not relate to any staff member name. Each Username must be unique.
- The profile must be filled out with a valid information so that the other members can help.
- The profile is for the current hardware, you're seeking for support.
- The signature should be neat and clean. If you receive any message from the staff regarding your signature or your profile, you are requested to make the necessary changes.
- The signature should not contain any link including the personal donations, or affiliate programs. All the donations can be made within the forum only. Only the staff members are only allowed to have a donation link in their signature.
- Maximum Signature for the builds is limited to 5 only. Each 5 signature for Desktops and Laptops.
Use of Avatars
The following restrictions apply in relation to the use of avatars:
- Images which infringe copyright or any laws, must not be used
- Images that are selfies or photos that can identify the user must not be used. This is due to international privacy laws.
- Animated images / avatars are not allowed. However, you can use facets types.
- Images that relates with an avatar of any elitemacx86 staff member are not allowed.
No Marketing & Advertising
Members must not under any circumstances:
- Post any affiliate or referral links, or post anything asking for a referral.
- Post advertisements or notices for eBay auctions, Kickstarter projects, Craigslist listings, personal sales, sponsorships, contests or anything similar.
- Posts any links to price comparison web sites or services.
Posts which contain any of the above will be removed and may lead to a suspension or deletion of the members / users account.
No Solicitation
Members must not:
- Ask, accept, offer or provide any form of compensation to any other member for any form of assistance.
- Post threads or send private messages or emails to other members offering to pay for either public or private assistance.
- Post anything which advertises products or services or solicits for funds or donations.
Posts which contain any of the above will be removed and may lead to a suspension or deletion of the members / users account.
- Use English only. English is a global language and you need to post all the topics, replies, signatures, profile, name, comments in English only. Do not use any other language. Use of any other language will lead to removal of your post/messages.
- Use of inappropriate title and tags is not allowed. Always use appropriate title and tags for your posts. Also make sure that the title is clear enough to reflect the issue.
- Do not use any attention seeking words. All topics and their titles must be clear enough to allow other members to help. Titles such as "Please help", help me, etc. will be removed or ignored.
- Do not tag staff members to get reply. The staff members will reply when they can.
- Do not make fun of members who are new to the forum. They might be beginners and starting their journey here.
- Do not post any copyrighted post/images or material. The members found doing so will be banned immediately.
- Discussion of other communities software are not allowed here.
- Do not create blank or meaningless posts. Those posts will be automatically removed.
- Do not create duplicate threads. Duplicate threads will be deleted.
- Do not hijack another user's thread. Such posts will be removed/deleted.
- Once a issue is fixed after creating a thread, mark it as "[Solved]".
- Multiple or repeated posts in order to increase your post count for a reputation on the forum or to enable the conversation is not allowed. Such posts will be deleted and the users may not have sufficient privileges to post again.
- Do not post about the moderators actions. If the staff members find any issue with your post, or you seem violating the rules, they have right to ban, restrict to post, comment or suspend your account. Attempts in posting the actions will lead to suspension or termination of your account.
- Always hide the confidential information such as serial no., MAC Address, and other revelant data.
- The private conversation will be only enabled once a user has a 50+ valid posts. This forum has been created to help the users by posting one's question and getting help. This feature has been implemented to help other users with the same issue if you get the solution.
- Having a private conversation will be only limited to you.
- Do not report the posts, profile, or other contents unnecessarily. Members found doing so will lead to a suspension or deletion of the members / users account.
Use of Contact Form
- Do not use contact form for hardware and installation issues. Any misuse of the contact form in any case, will lead to ban/suspension or restriction of your Account.
- We reserve the rights to take any actions, update, change and modify these rules we find appropriate as per the needs of the community to ensure that there is smooth operation of this community.
- The members can have their privileges suspended, restricted or removed at any time without any prior notice.
Last Updated: 2018-10-09